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Meet 6 Unusual Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women

The differences between the body of a woman and that of a man go beyond those that stand out in our eyes. The urethral canal, where the urine comes out, is one of the diversities that are hidden. While in the women's wing this exit route measures about 5 centimeters.

The consequence of the discrepancy is not at all advantageous for women. That's because, in them, bacteria that intrude have a much shorter way to go until they reach the bladder. When they reach the organ, they usually do damage. Hence the urge to urinate becomes intense, there is pain, and urine is sometimes accompanied by blood. It is cystitis, the formal name of urinary tract infection, which affects 20 to 30% of the female population at a certain stage in life.

1. Obesity

The bond is indirect, but it exists. Follow the reasoning: those who are very overweight usually show folds in various parts of the body. The feature often hinders perfect hygiene of the genital region after urinating and creates the perfect setting for bacteria to make the party.

But beware: excessive cleaning is also not good. "This changes the vaginal flora, resulting in an expulsion of protective bacteria from there," explains urologist in Rohini. The recommendation is to avoid intimate showers, scented sprays and other items capable of unbalancing the flora.

2. Holding the pee

“Don't use public restrooms”… There is a mother's advice that you can ignore, taking care of dirty surfaces, of course. It is that pee standing in the bladder for a long time creates the perfect environment for the proliferation of evil bacteria. "Urinating works like a continuous wash," says urologist in Pitampura.

Although not romantic, the act is also indicated right after sexual activity, when microcracks can occur in the urethra region, facilitating the adhesion of microorganisms. With a getaway to the bathroom, you expel the little invaders.

3. Diabetes

Any disease that compromises the body's defenses, making them very lame, predisposes to urinary tract infection. This is the case with diabetes and AIDS. “There, our body cannot defend itself right from bacteria”, justifies urologist in Delhi.

Certain medications, such as those indicated for those living with lupus, and excessive physical exercise also contribute to the drop in immunity.

4. Constipation

In most constipation, the problems go beyond abdominal discomfort. Because of the female anatomy, the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, stuck, have an easy migration to the urethra, contaminating it. “The culprit for most episodes of cystitis goes by the name of Escherichia coli, This is a bacterium that lives in the intestine, where it does not create problems. But, when it passes into the vagina area, it competes with microorganisms that live naturally there”, describes best urologist in Rohini. Hence, if the intruder dominates the terrain, the risk of infection increases. "In fact, in constipated patients, we detect a greater colonization of microorganisms from the intestine in the vaginal region", confirms the best urologist in Pitampura.

5. Condom

Calm! Do not think that in this topic you will find a green light to dispense with condoms during sex. Never. The only setback is that spermicides - substances responsible for killing sperm - modify the vaginal flora, leaving women more susceptible to the harmful action of bacteria.

The way out, then, is to look for condoms without the spermicide or that have the substance inside, so that the gel stays in contact only with the penis.

6. Renal stone

“In certain cases, the stones that form in the kidneys are caused by a bacterium that interferes with the acidity of the urine, facilitating the deposit of salts”, explains the best urologist in Delhi. The problem? The risk of this microbe also financing dreaded cystitis. "There is the possibility, even, that the kidney stone culminates directly in the most serious type of infectious disease, which is pyelonephritis", warns urologist in Delhi.

"But this relationship between kidney stones and urinary tract infection is the exception, not the rule," says the kidney specialist in Rohini. Anyway, the message is always to investigate. This prevents the constant use of antibiotics and the emergence of a dangerous army of resistant bacteria.

The two sides of the problem

Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection. It hits the bladder, and symptoms include an urge to pee at all times, as well as burning and bleeding when urinating. Antibiotics, analgesics, and hydration usually do the job.

Pyelonephritis, in turn, is the most ominous form of the condition, as the bacteria reaches the kidneys, causing fever and malaise. Treatment is longer and may require hospitalization.


Those who live with urinary tract infection several times a year can use a vaccine to improve the body's defenses. It is a little different, to start with the shape - why it is a pill.


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